Tuesday, April 12, 2011

RTT: Tea Parties, Exercising, and Burlington, VT

It's time for another Random Tuesday Thoughts, currently being hosted by the rebellious Stacy at Stacy Uncorked.

  • It seems as though the only posts I am doing lately are Random Tuesday Thoughts! Okay, in reality, that really is all I'm doing, but I suppose it's because they are so easy! I don't have to worry about gathering all of my thoughts into an organized and cohesive post. I've also been busier these last few weeks. Well, maybe not busier, but less inclined to sit in front of the computer for hours on end (because that is seriously how long it takes me to compose anything).
  •  In a quest to try to lose those last stubborn baby weight pounds, I have started working out. Kind of. I'm not going to the gym or anything entirely motivating as that. I'm using the Exercise on Demand feature through our cable provider to complete various workouts at night after the boys have gone to bed and while Daddio is at the gym. It's a nice feature to have. I've tried kickboxing, yoga, cardio, pilates, "piloxing", and bellydancing workouts so far, along with various mini-workouts for my abs and buns and thighs. It's been a good experience, but I'm not really seeing too many results yet. I understand that it's only been a week, but come on! That's one of the reasons I have always hated working out; I would prefer to see instant results and tend to lose patience if I don't. But, it has been over one week since I started, so I'm hopeful that it's a sign that I will actually stick to it this time around. We will see. 
  •  I am a member of the Friends of the "Small Town" Free Library committee.Basically that means that we are in charge of organizing fundraisers to help raise money for our local public library. We are in the middle of planning an American Girl doll tea party. I am on the crafts committee for it. As a mother of two boys, this will be an interesting experience for me, and I'm kind of excited about it. This is the second year that the tea party has been held. Last year only 30 tickets were available, and it sold out immediately. This year, we changed the venue to be able to host 60 young ladies and their dolls. Tickets were sold out in less than one week! It's crazy how popular this is! Basically, the girls get to dress up and bring their American Girl dolls with them to participate in crafts, and games, and refreshments for a few hours. We also offer items available for purchase and are raffling off this year's American Girl "Girl of the Year" doll, Kanani; she's Hawaiian. I was assigned the task of creating Bingo cards, and I think that I did a pretty nice job.  I had to come up with 15 different cards.
  • Spring is finally here. Yay! Hurray for spring! Yesterday our temps were near 70, if not all the way there. Today, we are expecting mid-60s, while the rest of the week will see the 50s. I'm not going to complain, because as long as it's not more snow, then I am a-okay with that!
  • In American Idol news, what on earth happened last week?! In all fairness, I should admit that I don't vote, nor have I ever voted, for an American Idol contestant, so I am probably one of those viewers who is to blame for why Pia was sent home last week. I assumed that Pia would make it to the final three. However, I did not think that she would win, (I've already pegged James Durbin for that honor). While Pia has an absolutely beautiful voice, and the image to go along with it, I don't think that she has shown enough personality to actually win. She is not the performer that most of the other contestants are. Apparently that's the main theory behind why people suspect she was booted last week. I think that she should have at least lasted longer than Stefano, but what do I know. 
  •  Daddio and I took a mini-trip to Burlington, VT this weekend. I intend on writing more about it in a separate post, so I will just say here that on Saturday, we stopped by my mom's house long enough to throw the boys out of the car, and headed to Burlington for the night. I love my boys to death, but it was so nice having that time without them. I think that we actually enjoyed each other's company for once! Or at least I know I did, I cannot speak for Daddio on that one. But it was a nice stress-free trip together. Next time we're shooting for a whole week. I'll tell you all more about it later, but in the meantime, you can check out some of my purchases while I was there.

Happy Tuesday, everyone!


  1. I should look and see if we have that exercise on demand. I might work out more at home.

  2. most definetly spring weather is here and the temps bounce up and down but so glad we seem to be done with the bitter cold

  3. Tuesday's are my favorite day to post because of being random - sometimes I think I should just split them up into individual posts and have my week taken care of, but what's the fun in that? ;)

    Good for you on exercising - and sticking with it for a whole week! I'm like you - I sort of 'give up' when I don't see (or feel) immediate results. But I'm trying to get better with that... ;) I'll have to see if our On Demand has that option, too - or dust off my WiiFit and get to it. ;)

    The American Doll Tea Party sounds like it would be so much fun!! As does your stress-free trip to VT! :)

    Thanks so much for the shout-out and being a rebel with me! We'll keep it up until Keely returns as our fearless leader, eh? ;)

    "My Post" - RTT Rebel

  4. I've been going to the gym pretty regularly, but lately I've only been working out with about half of my normal enthusiasm. Happy Tuesday.

  5. Love random posts... I often jot things down thoughout the week in draft, then pull it together on Tuesday. :)

    Also love VT. We went to NH last October for my birthday... it was fabulous to get away, even if it was just for the night.

  6. I'm tellin' ya--try ankle weights. They'll change your life! :)

  7. @VandyJ: It's a handy thing to have!

    @shopannies: Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad that spring is here as well!

    @Stacy: I'm totally with you on giving up. Usually any time I stop feeling the pain in my muscles, I assume that it's not working and quit. Here's hoping that I stick it out longer!

  8. @Barb: I'm slowly starting to lose enthusiasm for my workouts too.

    @Julianna: I think I need to do what you do. I never remember to jot things down, so by the time Tuesday rolls around, I always forget what it was I wanted to write about!

    @TB: I remember you writing about those. Are they working well for you?


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