Friday, August 27, 2010

Tiny Tidbits III

As I'm trying to rock Ben back to sleep after he woke up early from a nap, Owen sneaks in:

Owen: I got to give Ben a hug and kiss. He does so, then leans near Ben's ear.
Owen: (Whispering) I tell you secret. Your birthday coming up. It tomorrow!


Owen walks into the bathroom where I am brushing my hair.

Owen: I drink some of yours orange juice Mom, so you no spill it. 

The glass was half empty.

I'm at the kitchen sink, dumping some hot pasta into a colander. Owen comes running up to me.

Owen: Be careful, Mom! You will burn yours finger!

He's always looking out for me. 


Me: (After hanging up the phone): Owen, I just signed you up for a playgroup. Do you want to go play with a bunch of other kids one day?
Owen: Yeah. That a good idea. Today?
Me: No, it doesn't start until September. But it's without Mommy. Mommy would have to leave you there by yourself. Is that okay?
Owen: Yeah. That okay. 
Me: It's with a bunch of other kids your age. They would probably be the same kids you will go to Kindergarten with. It's over at the college.There will be some college kids who will stay with you. Does that sound like fun?
Owen: Yeah. I go to college, I drink beer. Daddy telled me that.

Oh, good heavens. My son is going to be the child who walks into playgroup on the first day and asks, "So, where's the beer?"



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